Thursday, November 15, 2007

New Years Eve

Sydney New Years Eve is apparently the most exciting display of fireworks in the world, as well as the scene in which the fireworks are set - Sydney Harbour.

Me personally, I find it the same every year. I find it a hassle as well as a bother to celebrate NYE by the waters edge. Blues Point and Milsons Point - there is just too many people in the one place. Festivals - also too many people. Public transport is completely over crowded and as soon as thee fireworks are over... everyone is on their way home!

I was thinking. I would like to celebrate NYE in a different state or even a different country... but will it also be a waste of time... as Sydney New Years takes the cake every year...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Credit where it's due......

For the longest time I have been taught to put others before myself, treat others how you wish to be treated, be humble when praised, and respectful of not only elders but of contribution to a cause as well as others you are surrounded by whether they are mere acquaintances or good friends. Obviously this is not the case in modern society...

We now live in a world of backstabbing social climbers whose ignorance is thriving with bittersweet friends and foe.

Personally i have experienced punishment which most definitely does not fit the crime as well as a complete lack of 'friends' when in times of need and an abundance of 'friends' when times are peachy. I have also experienced lack of credit where it is due, whether it be dance choreography, assignments, work sales or suggestions.

Many of you are probably sitting here with your backsides starting to numb as i complain about the way society is turning for the worse - my sincere apologies... (get my drift???).

Not only is there global warming and an upcoming recession... but there is no one to turn to when all the glaciers have melted and our dollar is worth less than nothing!

Where are the days of neighbourhood support, or new friends are silver but old friends are gold???

These days, credit is no longer given when something has been greatly accomplished or a mass load of effort has been contributed.

Is it an arrogance thing? do people feel that if they praise you, you will feel better than them or they feel less than you? or is it because they know you are better than them and they don't you or anyone else to notice?

Is it a careless thing? do people seriously not care about the achievements of fellow humans, colleagues and friends?

It seems that it is only the negative publicity and aspects of life that are noticed and spoken of in todays society...

jem x