Thursday, January 17, 2008

Shoot Me...

Hello all,
As those who know me will know... I am travelling overseas shortly and I recently experienced the pain of vaccinations. The actual process was not as painful as I expected... but the aftermath certainly was!!! My arm was numb, it was sore and to top it all off... every inch i moved, my darn arm would hurt! I also have a friend who I went to get the vaccinations with who experienced side effects from the shots. I received a phone call the day following where he asked me if I was feeling normal... I replied...yes... my arm is sore...but other than that I feel pretty normal. He was burning up, feeling nauseous and dizzy. The injection we had was Typhiod...which if you contract it you feel nauseous, vomit and have a fever among other things.

This made me think... there must be a safer way to protect ourselves from diseases such as typhoid - without injecting the disease into our system... how do we absolutely know for certain we will not contract the disease after the vaccination?

I recently had an allergic reaction to penicillin and i asked the doctor if i could please have an allergy test to be absolutely positive that I am allergic due to the fact that penicillin can save your life! The doctor responded and said, no they have stopped doing those tests because too many people died because of their allergy to it... this to me was a very scary thought... what if the wrong dosage was given to someone (of a disease) and the person contracted the disease and died.... but what plays on my mind is that what if it still has the chance to affect you later in life?

jem x

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